Visual AI - Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Visual AI is a collection of pre-trained machine learning models specialized in computer vision. Read and Derive insights from your images in cloud or on premise. Keep the order in your image streams.
Digitize and understand text from images
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can recognize and extract text from images. Fast deep learning models are ready to capture data from documents instantly. Reduce turnaround times and the manual entry effort required.
Available OCR Services- Document Reading
- Arbitrary text reading - coming soon
- Id card OCR - road map
- Invoice, bill/Key-value OCR - road map

Read Unstructured Text
Recognize and extract text from any image, such as photos of license plates, street signs, traffic signs, or any other objects with serial numbers.
Read Documents
Extracts text from photos of documents - id cards, invoices, bills, financial reports, articles, and more. The vision model is optimized for dense text and semi-structured data.
Industry-leading accuracy
Our computer vision collection has the newest and performant machine learning models.
Competitive Advantage
OCR API uses machine learning to detect text within images in more than 80 languages and various file types. Take advantage and automate manual data entry in your organization. The first step to the digitalization era begins with Document Understanding AI, which lets you process millions of documents quickly and automate business workflows.
Language support
Computer Vision's OCR APIs support several languages. They require you to specify a language code.
View supported languages
# | Language | Lang. Code |
1 | Afrikaans | afr |
2 | Amharic | amh |
3 | Arabic | ara |
4 | Assamese | asm |
5 | Azerbaijani | aze |
6 | Azerbaijani - Cyrillic | aze_cyrl |
7 | Belarusian | bel |
8 | Bengali | ben |
9 | Tibetan | bod |
10 | Bosnian | bos |
11 | Bulgarian | bul |
12 | Catalan; Valencian | cat |
13 | Cebuano | ceb |
14 | Czech | ces |
15 | Chinese - Simplified | chi_sim |
16 | Chinese - Traditional | chi_tra |
17 | Cherokee | chr |
18 | Welsh | cym |
19 | Danish | dan |
20 | German | deu |
21 | Dzongkha | dzo |
22 | Greek, Modern (1453-) | ell |
23 | English | eng |
24 | English, Middle (1100-1500) | enm |
25 | Esperanto | epo |
26 | Estonian | est |
27 | Basque | eus |
28 | Persian | fas |
29 | Finnish | fin |
30 | French | fra |
31 | German Fraktur | frk |
32 | French, Middle (ca. 1400-1600) | frm |
33 | Irish | gle |
34 | Galician | glg |
35 | Greek, Ancient (-1453) | grc |
36 | Gujarati | guj |
37 | Haitian; Haitian Creole | hat |
38 | Hebrew | heb |
39 | Hindi | hin |
40 | Croatian | hrv |
41 | Hungarian | hun |
42 | Inuktitut | iku |
43 | Indonesian | ind |
44 | Icelandic | isl |
45 | Italian | ita |
46 | Italian - Old | ita_old |
47 | Javanese | jav |
48 | Japanese | jpn |
49 | Kannada | kan |
50 | Georgian | kat |
51 | Georgian - Old | kat_old |
52 | Kazakh | kaz |
53 | Central Khmer | khm |
54 | Kirghiz; Kyrgyz | kir |
55 | Korean | kor |
56 | Kurdish | kur |
57 | Lao | lao |
58 | Latin | lat |
59 | Latvian | lav |
60 | Lithuanian | lit |
61 | Malayalam | mal |
62 | Marathi | mar |
63 | Macedonian | mkd |
64 | Maltese | mlt |
65 | Malay | msa |
66 | Burmese | mya |
67 | Nepali | nep |
68 | Dutch; Flemish | nld |
69 | Norwegian | nor |
70 | Oriya | ori |
71 | Panjabi; Punjabi | pan |
72 | Polish | pol |
73 | Portuguese | por |
74 | Pushto; Pashto | pus |
75 | Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan | ron |
76 | Russian | rus |
77 | Sanskrit | san |
78 | Sinhala; Sinhalese | sin |
79 | Slovak | slk |
80 | Slovenian | slv |
81 | Spanish; Castilian | spa |
82 | Spanish; Castilian - Old | spa_old |
83 | Albanian | sqi |
84 | Serbian | srp |
85 | Serbian - Latin | srp_latn |
86 | Swahili | swa |
87 | Swedish | swe |
88 | Syriac | syr |
89 | Tamil | tam |
90 | Telugu | tel |
91 | Tajik | tgk |
92 | Tagalog | tgl |
93 | Thai | tha |
94 | Tigrinya | tir |
95 | Turkish | tur |
96 | Uighur; Uyghur | uig |
97 | Ukrainian | ukr |
98 | Urdu | urd |
99 | Uzbek | uzb |
100 | Uzbek - Cyrillic | uzb_cyrl |
101 | Vietnamese | vie |
102 | Yiddish | yid |
Pricing plans for teams of all sizes
Compare our plans: See a side-by-side comparison of features and pricing for Starter, Professional, Business, and Enterprise plans to find the best fit
$0 / month
For individuals who just want the essentials to get started quickly
- 100 / month quota
- Hard Limit
$14.95 / month
For professionals who require more volume for their application
- 2500 / month quota
- + ($0.050 USD/extra req)
$49.95 / month
For professionals who work on larger scale applications
- 10000 / month quota
- + ($0.040 USD/extra req)